Bo und ihr Kuscheltier Finn sind allerbeste Freunde.
Während eines Versteck - Spiels verschwindet Finn auf einmal.
Wo ist er nur hin? Bo ist überzeugt, dass er im Wald ist und macht sich
auf den Weg ihn zu finden.
Zu ihrer großen Überraschung findet sie im Wald mehr als nur ihr
Bilderbuch für Kinder ab 5 Jahren.
Work in Progress 2024
Werni is an earthworm and really likes being one. But spending all his time crawling on the ground and digging in the earth, now that's just way too boring.
So one day he decides to become a butterfly.
Picture book for children age 4 and up.
Expected release : Spring 2023!
Available in bookstoresand online!
When his tree disappears one day, Karl the squirrel has to find a new home. He finds a tree that is almost as beautiful as his old one.
Unfortunately, the residents don't really want to share their home with Karl.
Picture book for children age 4 and up.
Published in 2021 by Drava Verlag in German, English and Ukrainian.
Winner of the Carinthian Children's Book Prize 2021
Available in bookstoresand online!